Lemonade, the award-winning short documentary by Executive Producer, Dedra L. Stevenson, is now available for worldwide free public viewing.

The awareness film has won awards and accolades in many film festivals and around the globe had numerous cinema releases and has caused many communities to rethink their care of adults with Autism, and a social media awareness campaign by the same name.

When asked about the public release of the film, Stevenson said, “I’ve been anxious to release it to the world for ages, but I had to let it do a proper festival run to climb the ranks and enjoy a long run in the cinemas. Thankfully, it’s had the chance to touch many lives and spark a great deal of discussion about what kind of programs should be in place for adults with disabilities.”

Autism affects a reported 1-50 people worldwide, especially boys, thereby spreading faster than Aids and Cancer combined. Many parents of adults with Autism are left without adequate services such as adult day care centers or carers that can work with the individuals at home, which leads to neglect in many cases, whereby the adult child is left to suffer from loneliness and depression.

One viewer reports, “Lemonade opened my eyes. In our country, we don’t see many disabled people outside, and now I’m afraid that many families are just too embarrassed to take them anywhere because of the staring and lack of awareness. Films like Lemonade make us realize what some families are facing behind closed doors, and hopefully, as more become aware of Autism, we will see them taking a place in society more and more.”

You can see the film here.

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